Technik für Kinder e. V.: Exciting insights at Loibl Förderanlagen GmbH

Category: Company, Charity, Career | | Created by Lea Pfingsten

The children were given a tour of our production halls and were able to see how 3D models are designed on the computer, including their own Straubing pen holder.

The most exciting part of the day was building the pencil holder themselves. The children used stainless steel sheets, which were decorated with the Straubing skyline using a laser machine. The children were able to try out each production step independently and learned a lot about the different technologies behind it.

This commitment by Loibl and Technik für Kinder e. V. promotes not only technical understanding, but also enthusiasm for crafts and engineering among the young participants.

Lea Pfingsten

Marketing Manager

Tel. + 49 9421 9256-150
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