Insight into conveyor technology and waste incineration: Discovering similarities between theory and practical applications

Category: Thermal waste treatment, Conveyor technology, Company | | Created by Lea Pfingsten

The safety of our employees is a top priority at Loibl. Franz Böhm, occupational safety specialist, therefore took over the safety briefing. He explained to the visitors the necessary safety protocols and procedures used at Loibl before the factory tour led by Production Manager Hermann Lehner took place. The tour gave a vivid impression of the various production areas.

After the tour, the group split into different areas to gain specific insights. Robert Wiesmüller explained the project process in technical project planning, while electrical engineer Christian Kirschbauer provided information on speed evaluation and the comprehensive topic of frequency converters. In final assembly, Stefan Wasner (final assembly painting foreman) provided insights into chain sprocket and gearbox assembly. The explanations were practical and were intended to help the young skilled workers bring what they had learned back to their work in a fresh and interesting way.

  • Welcoming the WtE guests by Sales Engineer Johann Waldemer (g.l.) and Project Manager Robert Wiesmüller (2nd from left)

  • Safety briefing with occupational safety specialist Franz Böhm

  • Production manager Hermann Lehner together with the WtE visitors

  • WtE employees in front of a component that Loibl is building for a new conveyor line in the waste incineration plant

  • Inspection of a component in the paint shop

  • Open exchange: Production Manager Hermann Lehner explains the production stations at the Straubing production site

Discovering synergies: Exchange and cooperation for the future of waste management

The visit was not only an opportunity to exchange knowledge, but also to explore the synergies between the two companies. At a time when sustainability and efficiency are becoming increasingly important in waste management, such visits make a valuable contribution to the professional development of the employees involved.

Lea Pfingsten

Marketing Manager

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